Avoiding the Reality of "I Care a Lot"

15 November ‘23 / Interior / 5 min read

The Netflix movie I Care a Lot shook many viewers with its portrayal of a ruthless legal guardian exploiting vulnerable individuals for personal gain. As a firm dedicated to providing conservatorship and trustee services with integrity and transparency, we recognize the concerns this film has raised. However, we want to assure you that the disturbing scenarios depicted in the movie can—and should—be avoided in real life.

The Misrepresentation of Conservatorship

I Care a Lot presents a dramatic and exaggerated view of the conservatorship system, where a guardian (or conservator) is appointed to manage the affairs of someone deemed incapable of doing so themselves. While the film's portrayal is fictional, it has sparked important discussions about the need for transparency and accountability in the legal guardianship system. However, it’s crucial to understand that the reality of conservatorship is far more complex and, when managed correctly, serves the best interests of those who need it.

What Is Conservatorship?

Conservatorship is a legal process intended to protect individuals who are unable to manage their own finances, healthcare, or personal matters due to physical or mental incapacitation. This process involves thorough court oversight, where a judge appoints a trusted person or organization to manage the individual's affairs. The court continuously monitors the conservator’s actions, requiring regular reports to ensure the conservator is acting in the best interest of the person under their care.

Why the Scenarios in I Care a Lot Can Be Avoided

Rigorous Court Oversight: Unlike the film's portrayal, conservators are subject to strict legal requirements and are regularly reviewed by the court. These checks and balances are designed to prevent abuse and ensure that conservators are fulfilling their duties ethically.

Transparency and Accountability: Reputable conservatorship and trustee services, like ours, prioritize transparency. We ensure that all actions taken on behalf of our clients are documented, justified, and subject to review. Clients and their families are kept informed at every step, creating a system of accountability that prevents the type of exploitation depicted in the movie.

Personalized Care: In contrast to the cold, profit-driven motives of the characters in I Care a Lot, our approach centers on the well-being and dignity of the individuals we serve. We recognize that each client’s needs are unique, and we tailor our services to provide the support they deserve. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for our clients, not to exploit their vulnerabilities.

Ethical Standards: Our firm is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. We believe that trust is the foundation of our work, and we take seriously the responsibility entrusted to us by our clients and their families. We work closely with legal professionals, healthcare providers, and family members to ensure that our clients' best interests are always at the forefront.

Legal Recourse If a conservator fails in their duties or engages in unethical behavior, there are legal avenues for recourse. Family members and other concerned parties can petition the court to have a conservator removed or held accountable. This legal framework is designed to protect individuals from the kind of exploitation dramatized in the film.

How to Choose the Right Conservator or Trustee

Selecting the right conservator or trustee is crucial to ensuring that your or your loved one’s interests are protected. Here are some tips for making an informed decision:

Research the Firm: Look for firms with a strong track record of ethical conduct and positive client reviews.

Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask potential conservators about their approach to transparency, communication, and ethical standards.

Verify Credentials: Ensure that the conservator or trustee is properly licensed and in good standing with any relevant regulatory bodies.

Ethical Standards: Our firm is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. We believe that trust is the foundation of our work, and we take seriously the responsibility entrusted to us by our clients and their families. We work closely with legal professionals, healthcare providers, and family members to ensure that our clients' best interests are always at the forefront.

Seek Legal Advice: Consult with an attorney who specializes in elder law or conservatorship to help you navigate the process and make informed decisions.


While I Care a Lot is a compelling piece of fiction, it should not be viewed as a reflection of reality. The conservatorship system, when functioning as intended, is a vital safeguard for those who cannot manage their own affairs. By choosing a conservator or trustee who is committed to integrity, transparency, and personalized care, you can avoid the nightmare scenarios depicted in the film and ensure that your loved one receives the protection and support they need.

At SM2Trust, we are dedicated to upholding the trust placed in us by our clients. We work tirelessly to ensure that the individuals under our care are treated with the respect, dignity, and compassion they deserve. If you have any concerns or questions about conservatorship or trustee services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help.

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